Huntstanton Primary


Link to PTA Event Questionnaire


After school on this coming Friday (21st June), the PTA will be set up outside the Reception class collection point and on the playground offering ice pops to all pupils and siblings. There is a suggested donation of 30p per ice pop.

All money raised will go towards the PTA fund which enables them to host events such as the upcoming inflatable day, discos, movie nights and indeed the supply of ice pops!!!

We hope that by doing this the sunshine might stay with us!!!!


Our PTA Members

Claire Quinn – Chairman

I first visited Redgate school in 2012 with my eldest son. As a new pupil and parent, the first person who welcomed us to the school was a friendly PTA member, it has stuck with me ever since. I have Albie in Year 5, who loves the fact that I help out at school 😊

Vikki Burge – Treasurer


Sam Hunt – Secretary

Hi I'm Sam,  Amy-Graces mum Year 4. I enjoy helping on PTA, and I used to belong to the Hunstanton and District Ladies Circle.

Kate Craven – Member

Hi, Kate here, Mum to Charlie, George and Henry (already at HPS).
PTA means a lot, I can do a little bit to help the school raise a few pennies, work with a team of likeminded mums and help organise a few events.
I sell chocolate during the day and then help a little bit to raise funds for the school as well.

Shannon Hunter – Member

Hi I’m Shannon, I’m the lead midday supervisor and a TA at the school, and have a daughter in year 3.  I really enjoy getting involved in all our activities that we do for the children and the school!

Keelie Brown - Member

Louise Parton – Member

I have lived in Hunstanton all my life and actually went to Redgate Middle School when I was growing up (a few years ago now). I am a proud mum to my son who is currently in Year 4. I have only recently joined the PTA but look forward to getting involved.

Emma Ball-Rye – Teacher Staff Representative.


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PTA - Hunstanton Primary School

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